To: TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Members
From: TEAM Office
Date: October 24, 2018
Re: New and Noteworthy
- VRTIP: The September/October Enhanced Voluntary Retirement Termination Incentive Program closes for applications tomorrow at 4 pm. If you have applied, or will be applying, for a departure package and have not let us know yet, please consider doing so now, as this information may help in discussions around averting layoffs. Please specify if your application has been approved.
My position is targeted - I have applied
My position is not targeted - I have applied
For members in positions targeted for elimination who have concerns about a possible layoff, to assist TEAM in advocating on your behalf, (if required), please click on the following link and provide a list of other jobs that you believe you could do in Bell MTS and/or a list of your relevant skills and qualifications. You may also attach a resume and include additional information that you think may be useful. If you have already provided this information, there is no need to send it again.
My position is targeted – Additional Info
- TEAM General Meetings: If you will be attending one of the meetings in Winnipeg or Brandon, and you have not let us know, please RSVP by clicking the relevant link below, and advise of any dietary restrictions.
Tuesday, October 30th
Masonic Memorial Centre, 420 Corydon, Winnipeg
Wednesday, October 31st
Fairmont Hotel, Mezzanine East Ballroom, Winnipeg
Wednesday, November 7th
Room 107, Bell MTS Building, Brandon
This year we have utilized points built up on TEAM office credit cards to pay for door prizes; tickets will be provided on entry to the meetings. All meetings commence at noon and run until 1 pm.
- Negotiations: Negotiating committees for TEAM and the Company will be meeting in mid-November to commence “collective bargaining for the purpose of renewing or revising this [our] Collective Agreement” (Article 2.03). The members of our negotiating team are:
- Misty Hughes-Newman, TEAM President (Network Core Infrastructure)
- Shawn Scarcello, Lead Negotiator (Cochrane Saxberg LLP)
- Charlie Hendren (Field Operations)
- Veena Snowdon (Marketing)
- Tobias Theobald (IT Network)
- Dave Sauer (IFPTE)
Primary support for the Negotiating Committee and member liaison:
- Bob Linsdell (TEAM Executive Director)
- Erin Spencer (TEAM Labour Relations Officer)
TEAM-IFPTE Local 161
204-984-9470 or 1-877-984-9470
[email protected]