To: TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Members
From: TEAM Office
Date: October 29, 2020
Re: New and Noteworthy
- New TEAM Labour Relations Officer: We are very pleased to announce the addition of Alyssa Hung to the TEAM Office as our new Labour Relations Officer. Alyssa is a skilled labour relations practitioner; she holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Relations from Queen’s University and has extensive experience providing guidance and expertise on employment and labour relations matters. Prior to joining TEAM, Alyssa worked as a Senior Employee Relations Advisor at Canada Life, where she supported employees and management in handling complex HR and LR matters. Alyssa is also experienced in representing unionized professionals, as she previously held the position of Labour Relations Officer at the Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers, or WAPSO-IFPTE Local 162, where she advocated on behalf of hundreds of employees at the City of Winnipeg. Some of you may also recall Alyssa from her time working in MTS’s HR department (2015-2016), initially as a Human Resources Business Partner and later as an Organizational Effectiveness Consultant. We have no doubt that Alyssa’s skill set, knowledge, experience, and passion will prove to be great assets to the TEAM membership. Members wishing to contact Alyssa confidentially regarding workplace matters, may do so by email to [email protected], or by phone 204-984-9471, and members attending our upcoming (virtual) Annual General Meeting (AGM) in November will have the opportunity to 'meet' her.
- Annual General Meeting:To keep our members and staff safe, and of course to comply with mandated group sizes, TEAM’s 2020 AGM will be held virtually.
We are planning to hold the AGM on Thursday, November 19th, from 12 noon to 1:00 pm, and we are also considering offering an evening timeslot on the same day, depending on members’ interest level. To assist us in finalizing our plans, if you are interested in attending this year’s AGM, please RSVP to the TEAM Office using one of the below options:
- Request to Updated Your Mailing Address: Later this year, we will be mailing out information regarding revisions to TEAM’s Constitution and Bylaws and voting ballots, and we wish to ensure we have your correct home address. If you have moved within the past 12 months and have not already notified the TEAM Office of the new mailing address, please click here to provide us with your new details. Thank you.

TEAM-IFPTE Local 161
204-984-9470 or 1-877-984-9470
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