The TEAM Executive today consists of the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer and Five Board Members. This body makes all the major decisions for the Association representing the membership.
The constitution Revision Committee has developed language to incorporate the new Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. structure with two collective agreements MTS Communications Inc. and MTS Media Inc. into the constitution. The new language reflects representation on the Executive Board for all subsidiaries.
The Office Staff Includes the Executive Director, a Labour Relations Officer, and an Administrative Assistant. The Office Staff runs the day to day operation of the Association and ensures the Collective Agreements are adhered to, including processing of grievances beyond initial stages. The other major responsibility of the TEAM office is to prepare for collective bargaining by gathering submissions, identifying problems with contract language, or lack of contract language, and providing/developing justification for the TEAM membership's contact submissions.
All in-scope management employees are covered by the current Collective Agreements between TEAM and MTS or its subsidiaries. Out-of-Scope positions are specifically identified in an attachment to the Collective Agreements called an "Exclusion List".