Individual Survey Questions

2011-07-14Over the past two years I have seen changes in respect in the workplace
2011-07-14Over the past two years I have seen changes in union communication
2011-07-14Over the past two years I have seen changes in union/management relationships
2011-07-14My union should organize social/sporting events
2011-07-14My union should keep me up to date on what other unions are doing in Manitoba
2011-07-14My union should monitor workplace health and safety
2011-07-14My union should research labour market trends
2011-07-14My union should keep me up to date on what other unions in this industry are doing
2011-07-14My union should provide information on political candidates
2011-07-14My union should support community organizations
2011-07-14My union should lobby government on legislation affecting our industry
2011-07-14I have worked for MTS for
2011-07-14My age is

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