MTS Voluntary Workforce Reduction Program October 14th 2015

To:          TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Members
From:      TEAM Office
Date:       October 14, 2015
Re:          MTS Voluntary Workforce Reduction Program

Yesterday, MTS announced that it is seeking to reduce the number of employees in TEAM’s jurisdiction.  Approximately 190 TEAM positions have been targeted for elimination.  Fortunately, our Collective Agreement requires MTS to seek voluntary reductions prior to laying off employees.  MTS has stated that if the reductions are not achieved through voluntary means, they will initiate layoffs in accordance with Article 27 of the Collective Agreement.

Layoffs have a significant and often lasting impact on those laid off and their families. Layoffs also have an impact on the morale and productivity of those who remain.  It is TEAM’s intention to advocate strongly for any member who wishes to leave voluntarily through the Voluntary Retirement Termination Incentive Program (VRTIP).

The VRTIP is offered to employees in positions targeted for elimination within an affected VP Group.  However, you may still apply for the program even if your position is not targeted.  If you apply for the VRTIP, please click here to notify the TEAM office.  We wish to track the progress of voluntary departure applications, ensure a fair process, and if necessary advocate on your behalf.

For members who wish to leave the Company and continue working, and those concerned about being laid off, we have compiled a list of Manitoba recruitment agencies and online job search websites.  It is important to note that approval of applications for the VRTIP rests solely with the Company, and finding a new job does not mean you will be accepted for the VRTIP.

If you need more information or want to discuss the voluntary departure program or the layoff procedure, please call the TEAM office at: 204-984-9470, or email [email protected].

TEAM-IFPTE Local 161
204-984-9470 or 1-877-984-9470
[email protected]